Security Firm Is Not An Insurance Company

What are parameters to determine the service quality of security service companies for users in industry?
There are some parameters or we may say guideline to determine the service quality of security service company. First is the sense of order and secure expressed by users, especially employees working in the area. Second, the security and order inside client’s area. Third, users understand the driven security management designed by the service provider, starting from the security plan up to the security system. Fourth, periodic report of security company supported by work plans and activity records. Fifth, supervision and attention over the security service company on site. For example, their command center sent orders to security on field, the client may see the effectiveness and mobility of the personnel in carrying out the order. Sixth, the two-way communication between the security service company and client, so there is a well established communication system on things that should be improved or obstacles face by provider in providing service to the client.

What should client do to find out that the proposed security company is the right one to meet their demand, especially when the service quality of security companies is so varied?
In general, legal permits and documents of the company could become references for clients. Beside, the tender documents owned by security companies are also
important since the client will have information on types of contract proposed by the security firm. Other source of information is on the direct proposal sent by the company. Client may easily read the company profile and personnel qualification. The last but not least is to invite the security company for a presentation in order to fins out more on the service of the company.

Is there any significant impact on the number of personnel, head office, and also training center on clients preferences?
Client will pay attention most on legal aspects of the company, including service permit issued by Indonesia Police and also company permit. Based on the company permit, client may easily identify whether the security company is a small, medium, or big enterprise.
The number of personnel also refers on the proposed security management to the client. If it is a technology based security system, the proposed number of Company personnel is going to be small in term of number.

Related to the personnel competence, is it important for security firm to hold training at the client’s site?
It is important for security firm to hold training at the client’s site?
In term of additional training, it is important. However, it should be informed in a right way. We should show them the benefit of training held in client’s site. Non-security employees should be able to take part in training as well, so they understand the importance of security at workplace. Beside that, security devices such as alarm,
electronic keys, and others can be checked and evaluated. If the client has evacuation policy in case of emergency, the drill should certainly be held in client’s site.

How if the client reject the proposal of the drill?
We explain to them why the drill is important for them. If the client still rejects the drill, then security firm should hold training at place with similar condition to client’s area. It is important just in case of emergency.
Client also asks for security firms to pay retributions for any missing object during their watch.

How should security firm respond to the demand?
First, client should understand that security firm is not an insurance company. This article should be discussed earlier before the signing of ract. Another parameter is on the protected area. For example, a security firm carried out a guarding contract at the main entrance and does not have access to enter the office based on the company policy. Suddenly, the office was robbed by an offender who broke into the office from the roof.
Should the security company pay restitution for the missing items?
Another important issue is on the identification of ho’w the item is missing. Is it because of the poor performance of the security guard or poor behavior of the employee?

If it is so, then cases of robbery in client’s site could be clearly solved between the firm and client without the presence of police investigator?
Problem solving between client and security firm could be carried out as long as there is a unit or department inside client’s company dealing with the issue such as auditor to investigate fraud or human resource department to investigate any violation of company regulation. If it is related to crime, the police should be part of the investigation, since security firm only deal with offenders when they are caught red-handed or incidents that happened inside the area they are protected. If the incident related to crime, security guard only carries out limited police regulation such as guarding the crime scene. The case is investigated by police.

What if the client demands a problem solving without reporting it to police, such as incidents involving local mass organization or non-governmental organization?
It is related to local economy issue. A big company usually allows third party to manage waste or scraps from the company, as long as the third party deliver the document of environmental impact analyzes. Local organization is certainly incapable of providing such documents, and they hold protest or become ignorant on environment security of the site.

The answer is the company should develop a community based development program involving local communities. Why? Because the security firm does not have the power to solve incidents resulted as impact of company’s policy. Security firm only assists the client to report the incident to police.

What should be the priority for security firm in providing service for their clients?
The service should be based on the vision and mission of the client. Security firm should understand the mission of the client in doing business. Second is proportion between service and ethic. So, there is a relation between accuracy, firm, and carefulness.
Is there any performance standard that should be met by security companies to serve client in industry?

There is a Police Decree No. 24/2007 on security management system. I think, security firms should follow and work based on the regulation first to meet the requirement of the company and also competency of the personnel. (*)

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